Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has expressed deep concerns about his personal safety in pursuing normalization with Israel as reported by Politico

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reportedly told members of the US Congress that

he could be assassinated for pursuing the normalisation of Israel-Saudi ties like Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat,

who was killed for striking a peace deal with Israel.

Bin Salman, also known as MBS, used the instance to stress the need for any such deal to include a true path to a Palestinian state

according to a report that appeared in Politico

However, despite the risks, MBS is intent on moving forward with the normalisation deal with

the US and Israel because he sees it as crucial to his country’s future

said the report published on Wednesday citing three people briefed on the conversations

The Crown Prince also questioned the US as to what they did to save Sadat,

who was shot dead by Islamic militants in 1981, two years after he signed a peace agreement with Israel.